5 Steps to Becoming a Tactical Real Estate Pro

5 Steps to Becoming a Tactical Real Estate Pro

December 07, 20222 min read

In my experience most real estate praticioners are really great at being generalits, however if you want to set yourself apart and achieve your dream lifesyle, you must be more tactical in your busienss.

Tactical work refers to the specific actions and tasks that are undertaken to achieve a specific goal or objective.

Being tactical focuses on the implementation and execution of a plan, rather than the overall strategy or vision, and it requires a high level of attention to detail and organization.

To execute tactical work, it requires a deep understanding of the specific tactics and techniques needed to achieve success.

With that said, here are 5 Steps To Becoming A Tactical Real Estate Professional 👊

Step 1 -Set clear goals and objectives.

Failure to plan, is planning to fail. Setting clear goals and objectives helps real estate agents focus on the most important tasks and priorities.

This can involve setting targets for how much income you want to earn, the number of properties sold, the value of properties sold, or the level of customer satisfaction achieved.

Step 2 - Create a strategic plan.

Your strategic plan is a roadmap that outlines your long-term goals and objectives.

By creating a strategic plan, you can identify the specific actions you will need to take to achieve your goals.

For example, you will contact and have a converstion with 20 propery owners in your market.

Step 3 - Implement effective marketing strategies.

Marketing is a key tactic for real estate agents.

This can involve creating targeted campaigns to reach potential buyers or sellers, using social media to promote properties, or networking with other industry professionals to generate leads.

Step 4 - Use technology to streamline processes.

Technology can help real estate agents be more efficient and effective in their work.

This can involve using tools like customer relationship management software to manage leads, or using virtual tours and online tools to show properties to potential buyers.

Step 5 - Continuously learn and improve.

To stay competitive, you must be willing to continuously learn and improve their skills.

"When you stop earning, you stop learning"

This can involve taking courses or training programs to stay up-to-date on industry trends, or seeking feedback from clients to identify areas for improvement.

Take some time today to identify what you want, why you want it, and create a clear plan of action on the activies you need to do daily in order to achieve your objectives.

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Brett Matsuura

Brett is an international real estate speaker, trainer, consultant, and a 25 year real estate veteran who began his career as a solo real estate practitioner who has closed more than 1,000 real estate transactions across 26 states.

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