7 Essential Tips for Negotiating Your Commission with a Seller

7 Essential Tips for Negotiating Your Commission with a Seller

November 02, 20223 min read

Negotiating the commission, you will receive for selling a home can be intimidating, especially if you are new to the real estate industry. However, with some preparation and the right mindset, you can confidently negotiate a fair commission with a seller that benefits both parties. 

Here are seven essential tips for negotiating your commission with a seller:

1. Do your research.

It's essential to understand the local real estate market and what other agents in your area are charging for their services. You can ask colleagues or search online to get an idea of the going rate for commissions in your area. This will give you a baseline to work from when negotiating with a seller.

2. Understand the seller's needs. 

Before entering into negotiations, it's important to understand the seller's needs and motivations. Are they looking for a quick sale? Do they need to net a certain amount from the sale of their home? Understanding their needs will help you tailor your negotiation strategy and make a compelling case for why they should work with you.

3. Communicate your value.

In addition to understanding the seller's needs, it's important to communicate the value you bring to the table as an agent. This might include your expertise in the local market, your track record of successful sales, or your strong network of potential buyers. By highlighting your value, you can help the seller see the benefits of working with you and make a stronger case for why you deserve a fair commission.

4. Be willing to negotiate. 

It's important to remember that negotiation is a two-way process. Be open to negotiating on the commission and be willing to find a middle ground that works for both parties. This might involve compromising on the percentage of the commission or the services you will provide.

5. Use your leverage.

You may have more leverage in the negotiation process if you have a strong track record of success or an extensive network of potential buyers. Use this to your advantage by highlighting your experience and connections to the seller.

6. Avoid becoming too invested in the outcome.

While it's important to advocate for yourself and your business, it's also important to remember that negotiation is just that - a process. Avoid becoming too emotionally invested in the outcome, as this can lead to impulsive decision-making. Instead, remain calm and focused on finding a mutually beneficial solution.

7. Don't be afraid to walk away.

If the seller is not willing to negotiate a fair commission, it's important to remember that you have options. You are only obligated to work with a seller if the terms are to your liking, and it may be better to walk away from the deal rather than settle for less than you deserve.

Following these seven essential tips, you can confidently negotiate a fair commission with a seller that benefits both parties. With the right mindset and preparation, you can successfully negotiate a commission that works for you and your business.

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Brett Matsuura

Brett is an international real estate speaker, trainer, consultant, and a 25 year real estate veteran who began his career as a solo real estate practitioner who has closed more than 1,000 real estate transactions across 26 states.

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